You work hard for your money. And you should be able to keep as much of it in your pocket as possible. But if you're thinking of investing your hard-earned cash to increase your net worth , there are some things you should keep in mind. Investing comes at a cost. There's certainly risk involved which can eat away at your profits.
But something else that can chip away at your bottom line is the cost—from fees to commissions. And it can all add up. So can you actually put your money away and keep your expenses low? The short answer is yes. Read on to find out more about how to keep these costs from depleting your profits.
Key Takewasy
Investment expenses include brokerage fees, commissions, and management and advisory fees.
Commissions and fees aren't universal—they vary from firm to firm.
Keep your expenses down by investing with a no-fee brokerage firm or trading house.
Robo-advisors use algorithms to manage portfolios, so they may come with low or no fees.